Member Information

Membership Renewal
Individual Fee - $80.00
Family Fee - $100.00

Please print off this Membership/Renewal Application & Waiver and send in with payment.

Wartrace Regulators membership dues are due on Jan. 1st. All new members will pay a $50 initiation fee along with a prorated membership fee. Existing members that have let their membership lapse, will not have to pay the initiation fee and their membership fee will not be prorated, On March 1st the gate combinations will be changed and the new combination will be e-mailed to all paid up members. After that date anyone who has not paid their dues will have to pay the non-member match fee.

You are welcome to bring your dues to the next monthly match or mail them to:

Jersey Bratt
Judi Bratt
5629 Maples Retreat Drive
Murfreesboro, TN 37127-0627

Members Only Information
Important information for Club Members can be found here.

Civilian Marksmanship Program
The Wartrace Regulators would like to announce that we are now an affiliated club of the "Civilian Marksmanship Program."

A listing of all CMP programs and their description is available on the CMP website at:

Only members of CMP affiliated organizations may purchase surplus rifles, parts, or ammunition from the CMP.

Complete the CMP MEMBER CERTIFICATION form from their website and have it signed by any board member of Wartrace Regulators.
E-mail List
If you are not receiving e-mails about our club, please drop Branchwater Jack an e-mail so he can add you to our club wide email list.

© 2009-2025 Wartrace Regulators - All Rights Reserved